There's a rhyme of Viruthika's invention that I was just thinking about, lately...

What'cha doin'?
Eatin' choc'late.
Where'dya get it?
The donkey dropped it.

Where's the donkey?
At the shore.
What's he doin,?
Makin' more!

Anyway, welcome to the new blog! It's going to be updated about as often as we feel like, and consist of just about any random thing that we want to do. We think its pretty awesome, and we think that you should too. :D Check back often!


5:00 PM by Devadirad 0 comments
(sing to the tune of Bad Day- Daniel Powter. turn on the song and sing!!!!)

Where were the fish sticks we needed to roast?
I swear i searched from pillar to post
They tell me to check the freezer again
They tell me I'm messed up in the head
But i could swear that they had gone

I looked at the lawn i needed to mow
Why oh why does grass need to grow?
You tell me you just don't understand
Why you're still needed to hold my hand
I feel like i just don't belong

But I have a band-aid
It's the smile on my face
It's always been impossible to erase
You claim you're a cat
You purr like a cow
You fling rubber bands during escapades
But i have the band-aid
Its the swatter to the fly
You're raking the leaves as the answer goes by
I have a band-aid
I've had a band-aid

Never found those fish sticks we needed to roast
The lawn's still undone, god, I'm gonna be toast
I swear it's a disease i can't diagnose

But I have this band-aid
It's the smile on my face
It's always been impossible to erase
You claim you're a cat
You purr like a cow
You fling rubber bands during escapades
But i have the band-aid
Its the swatter to the fly
You're raking the leaves as the answer goes by
I have a band-aid
I've had a band-aid

(Ooh.. i love creme brule..)

Sometimes stuff doesn't work out right
And it collapses at your feet
It cant be fixed but I'm sure that
It'd be deranged to accept defeat
And that's something to greet


Never found those fish sticks we needed to roast
The lawn's still undone, god, I'm gonna be toast
I swear it's a disease i can't diagnose

But I have a band-aid
It's the smile on my face
It's always been impossible to erase
You claim you're a cat
You purr like a cow
You fling rubber bands during escapades
But i have the band-aid
Its the swatter to the fly
You're raking the leaves as the answer goes by
I have a band-aid
I've always had a band-aid